Thursday, February 14, 2008

My husband may be a sucker, but I'm so grateful right now!

There were these young salesmen that used to wander in and out of the offices in the building where my husband used to work. They were always peddling toys, books, whatever. Most of it was for children. Lola was a baby back then and Dan could never resist buying whatever the guys were selling. They saw the word "sucker" on his forehead, but really it was because the whole baby thing was still so new, he just couldn't get enough of her smiles so he bought every damn thing on the planet to show her.

This piano mat is one of the trinkets that he brought home, courtesy of the salesguys. It's obnoxious and loud so I had put it away in Lola's closet "until she's older", but totally forgot about it. I found it today and the girls had a blast with it. Occupied them for a whole 15-20 min!

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