Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Dear Jess,

If you ever doubted how much you mean to me, please look back and remember that I posted 2 incredibly dorky self-portraits on the INTERNET just because you asked to see my new haircut. 'nuff said.

Love, Luci


lola coca-cola said...

Very cute, and not dorky. I love the cut, I'm getting one tomorrow, wish me luck.

veganmomma said...

Looks good in person too, not dorky at all!

Luci said...

Awwww, thanks guys!

Good luck with your 'do tomorrow, L! Can't wait to see!

Elaine said...

Not at all dorky! Very cute!

Jessa said...

HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matt and I just looked at it and we agreed that it reminds us of a very cool chick that we knew who had a Chelsea, Doc Martens and loved the Buzzcocks.

Yes, mama, you look HIP!!!!

Now we just need a few black clothing items and you're back in biz! KIDDING! (only about the last part--you look cool!)