Monday, November 12, 2007

Crusty Snot Monsters

Doesn't that sound gross??? I assure you, it is. But I had to hold Elise down and get a warm washcloth to her nose just to soften the snot enough to be able to remove it from blocking her entire nostril. You could tell she was grateful afterwards...what with the grinning face and all, but she did not much enjoy the process. No, no.
My girls are both sick today. Elise is, as you know, super snotty, and Lola has a barking cough with congestion. It's a bummer. Lola hasn't had a cold in like 2 years though, so I guess I'm pretty lucky. Elise, on the other hand...well, this is already her 4th cold and she's not even quite a year old!
I'm going to keep them home as much as I can handle it. Wish me luck!!!!

1 comment:

veganmomma said...

Ick, we had/have this too only I was sick fri, sat, and sunday with the kids. Athena still has a sniffle and rowan is almost drowning in his snot, you know how he is though, almost always snotty. Anyway, other than the snot it wasn't too bad of a bug. I hope you stay well. chris just started feeling it tonight.