Friday, November 9, 2007

Tomorrow is a new day, right?

I was putting Lola to bed tonight and we talked about our day. I asked her if it was a good day or bad day and she said "bad day". Ugh, my heart sank.
"Was it bad because we got angry with each other a lot?"
Well, we're going to try to make tomorrow a better day. I promised to be more patient and she promised that she would listen well. I kissed her goodnight. She is really so sweet. I know a lot of today had to do with me...since the time change, the kids have been waking up at 5-6 a.m. and I've been going to bed way too late for that. Also, Dan wasn't home 3 nights in a row because of work. I'm sure I was short-fused. It can't be merely coincidence that Lola and I have a rough patch whenever I'm in short supply of sleep and/or support.
We'll see how tomorrow goes. Tonight I'm curling up on the couch with a book "Talk So Your Children Will Listen", which was recommended by a friend. Wish me luck!

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